How to cancel the flight ticket Air France

Air France ticket cancellation policy

Check out the simple procedure to cancel your booking with Air France

Based in Tremblay-en-France, Air France is an airline which operates scheduled services to various international destinations. Further, to cover the various risks associated with the Air France reservations, the airline introduced various policies. And for the passengers who wish to cancel their booking with the airline, they are provided with Air France Cancellation policy . So, in case, if you are not aware of the cancellation policy, here are some of the pointers of the cancellation policy that you should know before heading on with the cancellation process. 

Ticket cancellation policy of Air France
  • As per the cancellation policy, the passengers who have booked their reservations seven days before the departure and cancel it within 24 hours of purchase are not charged with any cancellation. 
  • However, if the cancellation is made after 24 hours of purchase then, the passenger might need to pay a cancellation fee which one will be informed at the time of purchasing the ticket. 
  • Further, when the passenger submits a refund request, the amount of refund will be dependent on the fare conditions. 

Hence, these are the few major pointers to cancel ticket that one needs to keep in mind before cancelling their flight ticket. Now, to help out the passengers with the cancellation process, here are some simple instructions that one can follow for easy cancellation of the flight ticket. 

Cancelling Air France flight ticket
  • For flight booking cancellation, the passenger needs to visit the airline website.
  • Then, the passenger is required to click on the manage booking option. 
  • Further, the passenger needs to enter the reservation details and click on the manage option. 
  • After the details of the reservations are retrieved, the passenger will be provided with the flight cancel option. 
  • Now, the passenger needs to click on that particular option and proceed. 
  • Further, they need to confirm the cancellation with the airline. 
  • Once done, the passenger will be provided with an email confirming the same. 

Hence, this was the complete details about Air France Cancellation policy that one needs to know. However, if the passenger still has any queries they can contact the airline reservation center for assistance. 


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